In this post, you’re not going to learn about self-publishing. You’re not going to learn about book reviews, or about how to get into the swing of eBook marketing on Twitter. You’re going to learn about a very specific and specialized method for your book’s promotion!
Now, you can do this with any book you might choose, but I chose to use Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (don’t worry Potterheads, I didn’t use either of my two hardcovers, I bought a special softcover just for the occasion).
1) Get supplies! See: shoes, suede/leather glue, decoupage glue, paint brushes, scissors, razor cutter, and of course, the book of your choice!
2) Cut out beloved quotes from the text.
3) Use leather/suede glue to glue onto shoe.
4) Paint over with decoupage glue. Let dry. TADA!
Enjoy! Happy Monday!

Wow, now that is an idea, thanks, Edward Smith.
OMG. This is ridiculous. And, I must do it right now!
This gives me great ideas for what to wear to WordStock in Portland in October. You guys going?