One of our favorite tools for authors are Twitter Lists. Looking for expert advice on book marketing, publishing tools, trends, writing, and blogging? Add Twitter Lists to your repertoire of tricks to keep you informed.
If you’re an author who uses Twitter, we recommend creating lists as a tactful way to network and also to spread your insight about who you think should be followed. Creating lists on Twitter raises your profile and is the secret weapon of marketing aficionados and those with a platform.
Here is a comprehensive listing of 10 impeccable Twitter Lists created by thought leaders and experts who offer enriching tips and links helpful to authors. For the record, you can find other lists by tracking down the lists your Twitter idols are on.
John Kremer’s People Worth Following
Book marketing guru John Kremer has one of the best lists on Twitter starting with his “People with Klout worth following” list. This list includes book authors and others connected to the book world.
GalleyCat’s Best Book Review Feeds
GalleyCat is one of the best publishing trends and book review sites around. As a book reviewer this list is a very cool showcase of other Twitter book reviewers.
Mashable’s (Pete Cashmore) Social Media
Mashable’s lists are all worthy of following. Here’s our favorite, which includes the social media gurus that help you keep up. If Mashable follows them, you should too.
Joel Friedlander’s Self-Publishing
Book publishing thought leader and author Joel Friedlander includes great self-publishing resources and tips in this list.
Gail Baugniet’s Bloggers of Book Topics
Independent author Gail Baugniet’s list of readers, writers, and authors blogging about books they read, write or publish is a must-follow.
Jen McConnel’s Writing Madness
Author and writing instructor Jen McConnel’s list of “people who talk about writing, who think about writing, who dream about writing” is a terrific list for gathering writing tips.
Eleesha’s Authors-Writers
Eleesha is an author whose tweets are gold. Her list of authors, writers and publishing industry professionals is absolutely worth your attention.
Dale Mayer’s Publishing-news-20
Dale Mayer’s custom list of editors, agents and publishers is filled with people who are vital to the book publishing world.
Melissa Foster’s Book Promos
Another great list comes from Melissa Foster, writer and author advocate, includes book marketing resources.
Dara Beevas’ Indie Author Resources
A comprehensive list of indie authors, indie book advocates, and indie publishing resources compiled by Dara Beevas (yours truly).

If you followed all those lists how would you have any time to write anything?
I know – that IS an issue I have as well. It’s a tremulous balance.
Not to mention, it’s highly important to find where READERS are going (and find hashtags for them)… not just one’s that only other writers would use.
Still, very helpful to have this info.
Great point Danyal! Writing before all else, but if you need a little break, we’ve found that Twitter is a glorious distraction.
Great post! I’ve been looking for more people in the industry to follow, so this was exactly what I needed.
Fantastic Dimitri! Thanks for the comment. Glad you found it helpful!
Will certainly be taking a look at some of these lists.
We have a list of author resources that has proved popular and some of your readers may enjoy having a look: