Everyone loves a good ole cliché, so how about this one? “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Ah, beautiful. But all cliché bashing aside, sometimes pictures really are more helpful than reading arduous author-self-help articles. So, without further ado, eight infographics we think you all should be taking a look at:
1.) Plot Lines of Best-Selling Novels
Have you ever wondered what themes and elements are prevalent in award-winning novels? Now you know!
eBookFriendly via The Slow Journalism Company
2.) The Top 10 Reasons to Self-Publish
Feeling a little down on self-publishing today? Check out the reasons you fell in love in the first place.
Via: eBookFriendly
3.) How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times
A blog is an indie-author’s best friend, especially when you take the steps to help it help you by blowing up across the Internet.
4.) 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling
We can all use a refresher every now and then on what steps we should be taking to amp up the kickass level of our book.
eBookFriendly via PBJpublishing
5.) The Main Steps For A Successful eBook
Going eBook? Of course you are, you’re an indie author. Want to know how to make it a top-seller contender? This infographic has you covered.
eBookFriendly via WidBook
6.) How To Publish Your Book
Really, because everyone needs a laugh. But also because it’s nice to know you aren’t the only one struggling to put words on the page.
eBookFriendly via Writers’ Digest
7.) Self Publishing Marketing Advice
As an indie author, you are your own best marketing tool. See what you can do to make the most of what’s available to you.
Via: BookVentureHub
8.) The Self-Publishing Process
The simplistic guide for those authors who are just toying with the idea of going indie. See? It’s not that scary!
Via: BookVenture
Which was your favorite infographic, readers? Are there any you’d like to add to this list?