One of our discoveries of 2012 was Goodreads. A free social network for readers that tracks the books you’re currently reading and books that you want to add to your “to-read” list — how did we not jump on this bandwagon sooner?
In all honestly we’ve had accounts set up with Goodreads for ages. However, it clicked recently why authors should join the Goodreads Author Program. Read about it here. In a nutshell, here’s why we love it:
- It allows you to add a picture and bio like Facebook and Twitter — your readers get to know you intimately.
- You can share your list of favorite books and recent reads with your fans! (Add your own book to your “book lists”)
- If you have a blog, you can sync it with Goodreads and generate a band of followers.
- You can publicize upcoming events, such as book signings and speaking engagements.
- You can share book excerpts and other writing.
- You can create a quiz about your book or a related topic.
- You can post videos.
- And our favorite: You can add the Goodreads Author widget to to your personal website or blog to show off reviews of your books.
Listen up: enter your book into the giveaway program. When we released The Indie Author Revolution, we created ads on Goodreads and also took advantage of the giveaway program.We had more than 600 readers enter the contest! Pretty cool, right?
Twenty-five readers were selected, a number we chose. We also got to determine the length of the contest and went with two months. In the end, we sent our free books with a personalized note. The ad opportunities and the giveaway program were both tools that increased visibility. While the ads cost some money, the contest was free except for the free copies we gave away. Goodreads also offers a question and answer discussion option for authors to set up for their readers:
But here’s Goodread’s secret weapon:
It provides statistics for the number of readers who have added YOUR book to their “to-read” and “currently reading” lists. By joining the author program, you’ll be tapped into readers’ activities as they relate to your book. That information is priceless.
So there it is — We can’t say enough about Goodreads. By our accounts, it’s an under-the-radar tool that more authors should be lining up to use. In fact, if Facebook and Twitter isn’t your thing, we’re willing to step out there and say, you should strongly consider Goodreads instead…
What do you think? Have you tried Goodreads?
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Thanks for the info. I’m now sold on the idea!
Awesome Suzanne! So glad to hear that and thanks for the comment!
Great post – will be setting up an account in a minute.