
in #hashtags

31 Twitter Hashtags for the Indie Author

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Soooo, you’ve got that Twitter account, huh? You’ve got a good follower-to-following ratio? You’ve got quite a few Tweets under your belt? Good for you! As we always preach, it’s extremely important for indie authors (or all authors, really) to be as directly connected to your audience as possible. On a large scale, there’s no better platform than Twitter.

As far as Twitter goes, it can look like a jumbled mess of information if you don’t know how to navigate. With the use of #hashtags, however, Twitter is actually designed to group your information (and the information you seek) in a highly organized way. If you’re not already following #hashtags or using them in your own Tweets, you should be! Not only are many authors using Twitter #hashtags to offer incentives to their readers, but authors like @neilhimself (Neil Gaiman) are using #hashtags to engage readers in TweetChats (on May 15, he hosted an hour-long chat on writing via #minioperas).

Below is a list of some of the 31 best Twitter #hashtags every author should know!


To Reach Readers:

It’s always helpful to reach readers by genre, but there are some general reading tags that are widely followed as well. Here are a few of the best general and genre #hashtags:

1) #MustRead

2) #BookGiveaway

3) #GoodRead

4) #FridayReads


6) #RomanceWriter

7) #SciFiChat

8) #KidLitChat

9) #RWA (Romance Writers of America)

10) #YAlit


For Industry Information:

Whether it’s about the next Amanda Hocking or about Agency vs. Wholesale model for e-books, it’s important for authors to stay informed about the publishing biz’!

11) #IndiePub

12) #SelfPub

13) #SelfPublishing

14) #BookMarketing

15) #Ebooks

16) #Publishing

17) #GetPublished

18) #Digital

19) #AskEditor

20) #AskAgent


 For Writing Help:

Twitter #hashtags can also be helpful if you’re looking suffering from writers’ block! If you need some writing advice or ideas (or have some to give)

21) #AmWriting

22) #Grammar

23) #WritingTips

24) #WritingTip

25) #Writing

26) #1K1H (1,000 words in an hour)

27) #WriteTip

28) #WritingPrompt

29) #WriteChat

30) #NaNoWriMo (National Novel-Writing Month, a.k.a. Novemeber)


And, last but not least, Wise, Ink’s very own TweetChat #hashtag:

31) #indiepubchat

Keep your eyes open for information on when we’ll be hosting our first-ever TweetChat at #indiepubchat! We’ll be answering and asking questions about the industry, encouraging indie authors to get out there and publish with the proper know-how!




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  1. Thanks Lucy! We’ve liked your FB page and hope more of our readers like it as well. Appreciate the comment!

  2. Great info, I’m lost when it comes to twitter. I have built up some followers and following and use hashtags, but I have no idea how when you use them you set up a chat. Can you explain that part to me? I know, I’m not that bright when it comes to twitter. But I appreciate all the help I can get. I am following your page and if you get a sec it would be great if you followed mine.

    Thanks for your wonderful insight and info!

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