Wise Ink Authors, Kristin and Eric Moan recently released their book My Preemie Baby Book. We reached out to them to learn more about their experience with both the writing and publishing processes as well as their advice to aspiring authors!
Wise Ink: Tell us a little about your book.
The Moan’s: My Preemie Baby Book is a darling 200 page keepsake for parents. It’s adorably illustrated and includes a heartfelt letter from the authors, inspirational quotes, guest book pages, brilliant advice, journaling pages and milestone trackers–all preemie focused and NICU Practical.
WI: What is your background, and why were you inspired to write this story?
TM: In January 2013, we had identical twin daughters who were born 1 pound each, at 23 weeks 6 days. That is 16 weeks early. They spent 119 days in the NICU and while we had journals to documents our stay, we also had traditional baby books that just didn’t quite work for us and still remain unfilled out. We wanted to publish and provide a resource for parents who were going through the unthinkable.
WI: What was one thing that surprised you about the publishing process?
TM: That our book could end up being published beyond our wildest dreams. Its absolutely everything we could have ever imagined.
WI: What are been your favorite and least favorite part of publishing a book?
TM: Making decisions 😊 while I (Kristin) personally knew what I wanted, it was hard to know what all of that meant as far as colors, wording, publishing period. Wise Ink did an amazing job, our illustrator is INCREDIBLE and the book turned out absolutely perfect. We have had this idea for awhile now but taking the plunge was very hard for us.
WI: If you could share one piece of advice with an aspiring author, what would you say?
TM: Take the plunge! Let your passion and your ideas flow, let Wise Ink help!
WI: How can we purchase your book?
TM: It is for sale on our website www.mypreemiebabybook.com and we also have a Facebook page My Preemie Baby Book where people can find out more information and follow promotions.