There are a million reality-TV shows out there and, for the most part, they are just guilty pleasures. But shows like Food Network Star (FNS) are also chock-full of valuable lessons in self-promotion.
FNS is a competition where chefs vie for their own Food Network Show. The contestants must have a good product, but they cannot succeed unless they are able to sell that product – and themselves – to their viewers.
Here’s what these chefs do to sell their product, and how you can learn from them:
1) They Size Up the Competition
Imagine you had to spend six weeks with twelve other authors who all want the exact same thing you do, and have the same audience. How would that change your elevator pitch? Your back cover copy? Your publicity campaign?
With FNS competitors working just a few feet away from each other, they always know what their competition is up to.
You are in a much bigger competition than these chefs. There are hundreds of other authors vying for the same readers. Check out book stores, visit other authors’ web sites, go to conferences and work with your fellow writers to get a good idea of how your “performance” fits into the wider market.
2) The Learn how to Describe Their Food
Great contestants get kicked off FNS, not because they made a gag-inducing bowl of chili or boring mac n’ cheese, but because their audience has no idea what they are selling.
Do your readers know what your book is? It’s your marketing vocab that will have your audience want to devour it without cracking the spine. Hand your back cover copy to someone who doesn’t know anything about your book. Can they tell you what your book is about? If not, rework it and try again
3) They Demonstrate How NOT to Get People to Like Your Work
Since contestants are constantly getting feedback from their audience, they always know what mistakes they’re making. They have two choices: break their bad habits or get kicked off the show.
One woman, in her nervousness and excitement, continually cracked jokes that made the whole audience cringe.
What are your bad habits? Are you an over-sharer? Double-check your elevator pitch and ask for feedback. Do you speak quickly when you’re nervous? Practice in front of a mirror. Use too much humor in your blog/advertising? Be sure that it comes across as funny many different people.
Find an honest group of beta readers who are not afraid to tear apart your manuscript and your marketing plan.
4) They Connect with Their Audiences
The Season 9 winner of FNS was the same woman who told terrible awkward jokes for most of the season. However, she tempered that behavior just a little bit and ended up connecting with the fans. By embracing her humor, she became the most animated and authentic contestant on screen.
Your quirks can help you connect to your audience if you don’t let them take over. What parts of your personality draw people in?
5) They Believe in their Product
The FNS contestants believe that their food is so amazing that America will want to listen to them talk about it for at least a half hour every week.
Do you believe in your book that much? Do you believe in YOU that much? The winner of FNS is always the one who believes in themself the most – after all, no one will believe in your book if you don’t!
What other types of media help you with your indie publishing goals?