Whether you are tired out from the string of holiday craziness or you need a kick in the pants to get going again after all of that relaxation, sometimes a good book can help you jumpstart the new year.
Be the Exception: Your 7 Steps to Transformation by Annie Meehan
Meehan opens up and shares with readers her harsh upbringing: feeling worthless, going from home to home, and living as a middle sibling among six others. She uses her experience and her now successful, positive life to teach readers how to take their negative experiences and turn their lives around into something more meaningful. Along with the stories of others who have lived harsh lives, Be the Exception will make you feel sympathy and compassion and hopefully inspired to change your life if you see similarities to the stories you read.
You can find it on amazon as well as Itasca Books
Seize Your Life: How to Carpe Diem Every Day by Jamine Brett Stringer
A motivational speaker, Stringer tells readers how to “carpe diem every day” without trying to do something huge or daring. With simply things like “awareness, action, and appreciation,” you can learn how to seize your life and carpe diem every day.
Find this book on amazon and the author’s website
Silent Impact: Stories of Influence through Purpose, Persistence & Passion by Joe Schmit
Sometimes even when we are not trying we are still making impressions or impacts on the world; without even realizing it, our actions affect those around us in ways we may not realize. The book takes stories from some famous and maybe not-so-famous lives and combines them with action steps to inspire readers on the ways they too can live up to the idea that “A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives” (Jackie Robinson).
Find the book on Joe’s website or directly on amazon
You Are Worth It: 52 Weeks to Honoring, Loving, and Nurturing Your Soul by Louise Griffith
You Are Worth It offers readers weekly affirmations along with bulleted lists and other guided activities to help them embrace their worth and discover how to live while appreciating themselves.
You can find the book here or on amazon
The Ten-Minute Leadership Challenge by Margaret B. Smith
This book offers you ways to be a better professional. Just ten chapters—spending approximately ten minutes per chapter—and there is no excuse not to read The Ten-Minute Leadership Challenge and learn from Margaret Smith’s stories, ideas, and steps for taking action.
Available on amazon
From Type A to Type Me: How to Stop “Doing” Life and Start Living it by Melissa Heisler
While society praises those who can do it all and appear to be confident, competent, and composed, there is another side to those who are “Type A.” Though it is good to be driven and have the ability to get a lot of work done, there are negative effects to living this way. From Type A to Type Me provides those who identify as Type A ways to utilize the positive traits of this personality while learning how to diminish the negative effects.
You can find your copy on amazon
The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles by Josie Robinson
The book is an inspirational tale of spiritual transformation, but it is also a guide for readers to get rid of the negativity in their lives and find their own miracles that can make them say that they are grateful to be alive.
You can get your copy on amazon
Self-Wealth by Heidi Helmeke
Self-Wealth takes a fictional narrative of a young couple and their financial woes and turns it into real life lessons every reader can take away. Through her book, Heidi shows readers how to take an unfortunate circumstance and turn it around.
You can find the book on amazon as well as on the author’s website
The Resiliency rEvolution by Jenny Evans
Stress seems like something that only happens to those who can’t handle all that life sets out for us, but the truth is stress affects all of us to varying degrees. It causes us to change our lifestyles that create multiple health problems including high blood pressure and even anxiety and depression. Stressors don’t magically disappear, even if we want them to, but we can learn to be more resilient in order to deal with these stressors that affect us just as much physically as they do mentally.
You can find your copy on amazon and here