Do you write to send a message to an audience? Or do you have an underlying core need to be validated, loved and appreciated? Or is it because you have a lot of ideas you want to explore? Do you write because you love to research and stretch your brain muscles?
Do you write to entertain? Is writing your method of self expression? Do you write so you can discover yourself or invent people who do as you command? Is the blank sheet in front of you your way of escape? Do you write so you can connect with more people?
Do you write because you have ideas bouncing in your head that need to get released? Or is it because it’s your preferred mode of communication? Or do you write because you find it therapeutic and you want to disappear from the realities of your life? Does writing make you feel empowered? Is it your calling?
Do you write to create, inspire and enhance? Do you write because it makes you happy? Or do you write so you can release pent up anger? Do you write because it’s fun? Or do you write to become famous, or so you can leave something behind?
Do you write because you want to experience a kiss you never will in real life? Because you want to kill, fly, float, fantasize, or have a superpower? Do you write because you’d rather write than talk, sing or dance? Do you write because you like to tell lies or make up stories? Do you write because voices in your head beg you to put a story down?
Do you feel like you should be writing a powerful piece to inspire, teach, light up souls and touch hearts? Do you write because you daydream a lot, love castles, chocolate and craggy hills?
Do you write because it’s the same as breathing for you? Do you write because you have lucid dreams that you want to experience againby retelling them as stories?
Do you write because of all, none or some of the reasons above?
When I realized why I wanted to write, it was a magical moment. It was a warm, fuzzy, nurturing feeling. It felt like a wake-up call.
I’ve always wanted to write. Many times, I just didn’t know why. Ifelt a strong desire deep within more than anything else. It was painful when I didn’t surrender to that desire. It would keep nagging at me. Do you feel that way? I write because it’s my passion. I have never felt so passionate about anything than the process of writing itself. I write because I like to explore. I write to entertain, inspire and make people smile.
When I found out why I wanted to write, writing became a lot easier.
So, tell me, why do YOU write?