You’ve checked everything off of your pre-publishing checklist and now it’s time to start building your books. Here’s the next installment in your checklist. Let us know what we missed!
First Things First
Secure your ISBN via
Secure your Library of Congress Control Number by opening an account with the Library of Congress
Begin working with your book editor
Review changes when they’re done. The editing and revisions process takes on average four to six weeks
Start building your list of important contacts including friends, family, colleagues, media contacts, organizations, authors, and events coordinators
Select your book designer
Begin working with your designer to craft your book’s promotional materials (sell sheet, postcard, business card, and bookmark)
Create your back cover or dust jacket flap copy
Put together your list of reviewers for back-of-the-book testimonials or “blurbs.” Think about authors and other “key influencers” in your subject area
Begin the design process, which takes on average four weeks. In the meantime…
Confirm book specifications (page count, trim size, paperback/hardcover, and other details)
Collect printer quotes
Write website content and secure photos for website pages
Send book proof to proofreader
Send 1st book proof files to galley printer (if applicable)
Mail galleys to book reviewers and endorsers
Send final corrections from proofreader to designer
Send pre-publication endorsements and reviews to designer
Approve final book proof from designer
Send final book files to book printer if you’re printing hard copies
Investigate services like Lightning Source and CreateSpace for Print-on-Demand options
Select and send files to your e-book distributor (Smashwords, Bookbaby, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing Service)
Determine if your book is going to bookstores and libraries. If so do the following:
Submit book information to Ingram Book Company (Indie authors with fewer than 10 titles have to work with book distributors who work with Ingram. For a complete list of distributors available to you, go here)
Create an Author Central page on Amazon and set up a Amazon Advantage account (if you’re printing hard copies and not using CreateSpace)
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just wondering, why did you cross out Smashwords from the ebook distributor list?
Hi Charles — not on purpose. I think it was a funky link issue. It should be good now! Thanks for asking!