If you’re an indie author, you know that writing, publishing, and marketing your book is an incredibly busy job, and one that really doesn’t end once the book is out. In fact, this job doesn’t end as long as you still want your book out into the world. Book publishing is kind of like parenting–it’s not like your job ends after the nesting and delivery process, because then you have to raise your child.
The fact is, YOU ARE ONE PERSON! You can only do, in one day, what one person is capable of doing in a day. Also, remember that life you had? With the friends, spouse, kids (real–not paper or e-ink), pets, etc.? Yeah, they’re still important. So how are you going to have time to market your book?
It can be easy to get overwhelmed with the marketing process–especially when you’re looking at the mountain, not the step right in front of you. Yet looking at one step at a time is the only way you’ll ever keep taking steps. In order to be a successful book marketer, you need to think of marketing mountain with a one-step-at-a-time philosophy. Oh, look! Here are 3 great single steps right here!
Bite-sized Marketing #1: Find 5 (or more) new places to be a guest blogger and contact them.
This is one of the best and easiest ways to connect with a new audience. It puts you and your book in front of new faces, and it’s an easy job to secure because it saves the blog owners’ time and energy in writing a blog! If you’re interested in doing a guest blog for Wise Ink, let us know: editor@wiseinkpub.com!
Bite-sized Marketing #2: Do a Goodreads promotion.
This is an easy way to get tons of attention very quickly. When you do a Goodreads promotion (giving away, say, 15 books), you very quickly get hundreds of people adding your book to their “to read” list. This is a huge help for your book’s visibility among readers, and doesn’t take much time on your end!
Bite-sized Marketing #3: Do a Tweet Chat.
Taking part in a one-hour “Tweetchat” is a great way to get noticed. We were shocked when we did our first Tweetchat at how many new followers we got. You can run your own OR take part in one that’s already going. To get ideas on how to set one up, check out this blog entry from The Author’s Lounge!
Also, we will be doing a Tweetchat #indiepubchat next Tuesday, April 16th at 1:00 p.m. CST! Stop by!

I am just publishing a book on Spirituality. Your comments and suggestions are very helpful. I am having a new website built professionally.
Any other suggestions gratefully received.
I think it’s great that you’re building a professional website; I would make sure that it’s one you can easily update and make changes to on your own. We use WordPress because it’s so easy to update and change by ourselves–and we’re no web designers!
I would think the great thing about a book on spirituality would be that you have a built-in market: you can offer to give talks about your book’s subject at all the churches, temples (whichever place of worship would be appropriate for you) in your surrounding area.
And don’t forget about #indiechat Tuesdays at 9pm EST!
AWESOME! We’ll be there!
Hi ladies, What’s your experience (as well as others you might know of) on placing targeted ads on Facebook, Goodreads, and the like? Worth the investment?
I think it depends on where the ads are going and how you’re targeting them to your audience. I think they are probably more effective on Goodreads (where readers are hanging out) than on Facebook, but that’s just my two cents!
By keeping these easy point in mind before writing our book then its easy to publish .still want to know more visit http://firstbookdeal.com