I know–you’re not even through the “holidays” yet, and you’re just feeling like you finally have a grasp on your “to-do” list for the next week and a half. Me too. I’m not necessarily looking forward to working on my next to-do list that comes after the holidays–specifically writing my thesis on the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon (what it means for publishing versus the present state of feminism–thanks for letting me ramble for a minute) and editing two manuscripts–because I’ve finally gotten around to prioritizing my current to-do list!
However, I actually am looking forward to the rewards of engaging with the projects on my to-do list. This is because the holidays provide such a wonderful, cleansing, refreshing time each year to emotionally and mentally hit “reset”–so that when the new year comes, we’re really ready to tackle that to-do list with intensified gusto. I’m excited for the excitement. I’m motivated to get motivated. Time for the mojo!
Below are 10 MUST-DOs for the purpose-driven author’s new year to-do list!
1) Think of 10 new promotions for your book in 2013 . . . and SCHEDULE them!
Think of 10 different calendar events over the course of the year when you’d like to target a specific audience. Then, plan them. Maybe you’re setting up a coupon code on your site and promoting your book through your social media pages. Maybe you’re connecting with a nonprofit to be part of their special event, and you’ll plan on giving them 50% of your profits for a specific event. Think of different ideas and promotions, and think about how you can make them cool. This will also help you expand your marketing ideas in other ways.
2) Time to expand your Amazon Author Central page!
If you have not already done so, it’s time to make your Amazon page work harder for you. Put your picture up. Add a video. Expand your bio. Make it interesting! For instructions on how to do so, click HERE.
3) Spend 100% of your efforts targeting your niche!
Your book is not for everyone–so you shouldn’t market it that way. The indie authors I know who do the BEST in sales are the authors who have found their perfect niche audience and keep pushing the book to that audience again and again. One author I know has a children’s book about a little girl’s teddy bear who travels from Minnesota to her deployed father in Afghanistan; this book has done tremendously well with military families, so the author continues to tap that market again and again. Another author has a book about bringing Christian spirituality to the connections at mealtime–sort of a Martha-Stewart-meets-Christian-fellowship type of book. This author has been incredibly successful with the Christian women audience, and so she continues to target that group in all of her marketing efforts. Why spend any marketing efforts in a place where your audience is diluted?
4) Get on Goodreads!
If you’re not on Goodreads and you’re an author…for shame! Goodreads is an extremely valuable tool in getting the word out about your book. You can even do promotions to give a select number of copies of your book away–thus landing your book on hundreds of Goodreads users’ “Want to Read” lists! There’s no reason to wait to use this tool.
5) Get back to blogging!
Many authors start blogging because they feel like they “have to”–but many don’t keep it up. Chances are, you might have an accountability problem with your blog! As a fellow blogger, I know how easy it is to get off track, which is why it’s great having a blog partner to hold me accountable. If you don’t have a blog partner, ask a friend to check in with you once a week about the blog entry (or entries) you’re planning for that week. It forces you to have someone to answer to. Reach out to other bloggers to be a guest blogger. It not only gives you new exposure, but you’re going to be held accountable by your commitment to the other blogger!
Authors, do you have new year’s resolutions for your book? What are they? Let Wise, Ink know if we can help!

Awesome list, thanks! A technique I’m going to try out in the new year (now bear with me here) is visualizing my book on the shelves of a big book store every single day. To hold the picture in my mind and watch it manifest.
What about crazy guerilla book marketing: Never done before, strange and inviting tactics? That’s what I’m aiming for!