“I wish I had more time to write.” We all say it, but what can you do to set aside some quality time for you and your manuscript? Here are some tips that will help you find anywhere from a few extra minutes a day to an entire week to dedicate to your book!
1) Listen to the experts
“When asked, ‘How do you write?’ I invariably answer, ‘one word at a time.’”
– Stephen King
He has published over 50 books, selling over 350 million copies, which doesn’t even take into account his 200+ short stories. Whether you like his work or not, King is one of the most prolific authors alive, and he’s clearly an expert in finding time to write.
So how does he do it? He sets a goal, and sticks to it. Set a goal for yourself each day. Be sure it’s a realistic one. It may be a paragraph, a page, a chapter, or even just one really good sentence. Try to have BOTH a content goal AND a time goal. That way, if you struggle with writer’s block and just cannot produce the number of pages you want then you can at least meet your goal of spending 90 minutes writing that day.
According to his highly acclaimed memoir and guide to writing, Stephen King’s goal is 10 pages a day – what will yours be?
2) Take a Break!
As important as goals are, some days, trying to meet them might make your writing seem stale or not fun.
If that happens, take some time away from your writing. Read that new bestseller or that book on your shelf that you’ve loved since you were a kid. Take time to remember why you love to write. Once you see that blank page as an inspiration rather than an obstacle, it will be easier to find time to fill it.
3) Create time for yourself with a Writer’s Retreat, Fellowship, or Grant
So you’ve tried your best to meet your daily goal, but life keeps getting in the way. Jumpstart your writing project with a retreat, fellowship, or grant. Keep in mind that retreats will likely charge for room, board, and even writing instruction. You can apply for fellowships or grants for similar experiences that will cost you less out of pocket or you can make your own writer’s retreat. Invite another writer to join you for a weekend of focused work with minimal distractions.
Right here in Minnesota:
Do you draw inspiration from nature? Check out The Listening Point Foundation’s Writers’ Workshop Weekend in September.
Are you an emerging writer? Need some financial support for your project? Apply for an Emerging Writers’ Grant from The Loft Literary Center. The deadline this year is March 8th!
Or jump on board the first mobile Writer’s Residency!
After a recent request on Twitter, Amtrack is now offering free Writer’s residencies aboard its trains. Yes, you read that right. Writer Jessica Gross rode from NYC to Chicago and back again, writing the whole time. Amtrack is open to providing this opportunity to pretty much any writer on a case-by-case basis through their social media #amtrackresidency.
Interested in more opportunities? Poets&Writers has an online database of conferences and retreats all over the country!
4) Rely on Your Friends and Family
To add more time to your day, ask your significant other to make dinner a couple of nights a week. Don’t be afraid to tell your friends that you would rather hang out another night because you’re right in the middle of an intense action scene. Are your kids curious about what you’re doing? Encourage them to write their own stories while you work.
The best part about this is that your loved ones can keep you focused too. Do you get distracted easily? The people around you can remind you to get back to work. Here at Wise Ink, we get plenty of inspiration from the people around us!
5) Make a Date with your Beta Readers
Want a kick in the pants to finish up your revisions? Tell your readers that you will have an edited manuscript to them by a certain day. It’s easier to find time to work if you have deadline – especially if other people know about it
How do you make time for writing?

Finding time to write is becoming harder and harder as I have one eye on marketing my current book while the other is focused on writing the next one. I think I’ve gone cross eyed!
Adam, we totally understand. Hope this was helpful! What’s worked for you?