Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?
Wise Ink LOVES the spirit of NaNoWriMo so much that we thought we would give a little extra motivation to those brave authors facing the 50,000 words in 30 days. What is that motivation you might ask? Cold. Hard. Cash.
That’s right.
Wise Ink is going to be giving away a $250-value prize to one grand-prize winner and three $75-value prizes to second-prize winners.
There’s a catch: you have to work for it!
These prizes will go to authors looking to crowdfund their books. Authors need to work hard to market their crowdfunding campaigns in order to glean the rewards. The good thing is that marketing your crowdfunding campaign will help you create some early buzz for your book. And the benefit of submitting to Wise Ink’s contest? We’ll also push you through our networks for extra support.
Wise Ink is one of the first indie publishers to partner with a crowdfunding site. Pubslush is an indie-publishing-specific crowdfunding site for authors to earn money to fund their book projects; to visit Wise Ink’s Pubslush page, click HERE. Wise Ink’s first Pubslush author, Kim Hruba, is the current top-earner on the Pubslush site!
Pubslush is one of the coolest tools to happen to self-publishing since the Kindle.
Pubslush is different from other crowdfunding sites because there’s an invisible minimum goal ($500), beyond which point authors retain all the money earned even if it’s less than the higher visible goal.
Crowdfunding has has allowed for TRUE hybrid publishing–a publishing model that is truly the best of both publishing worlds. The best of traditional publishing: your project gets funded! The best of indie publishing: you get the profits!
If you’re an indie author taking part in NaNoWriMo this year and you are considering getting your project crowdfunded, submit to our contest. You have nothing to lose!
The rules of the Wise Ink 2013 NaNoWriMo Crowdfunding Contest:
Manuscript submissions due HERE by December 10, 2013. Winners to be announced by January 10, 2014. We of course expect you to be revising and tightening during the first part of December, but if you didn’t start writing your novel during NaNoWriMo 2013, please be honest and don’t submit. It’s the ol’ honor system, here.
This is for crowdfunding authors only. If you are not interested in crowdfunding your book, no problem! But that does mean you’re disqualified.
We will be reviewing all manuscripts and will select winners based on the quality of the storytelling, the effectiveness of the execution, and marketability of the book and crowdfunding campaign. All genres are welcome.
One grand-prize winner will win $250 in awards: $200 toward a Wise Ink crowdfunding campaign on Pubslush and a free Author Assist program with Pubslush ($50 value).
Three second-prize winners will win $75 toward their Wise Ink crowdfunding campaigns.
Good luck, NaNoWriMo-ers!
If you’ve done NaNoWriMo in the past, what advice would you give to new authors?

Hi Wise Ink followers! Another cool NaNoWriMo contest, 30 Days, 30 Covers, sponsored by the official NaNoWriMo!
Hullo there! This will be my 10th year participating in NaNoWriMo; however, this will be my first year with the intention of publishing my novel. Having won (and failed, but always participated) several years before this upcoming attempt, I am going into the 50k in 30 days challenge with a goal in mind: publish MANGONO [man-gone-no] my NaNoWriMo2013 project.
My advice: don’t go in it alone. I’ve gone through extensive efforts, this year, to build a following of people which CARE ABOUT MY NANOWRIMO 2013 PROJECT: I’ve done everything from starting a Facebook Page Event Pledge Drive, asking my family, friends, and followers to donate $.0001 / word written (meaning, if I finish with 50k words = $5); come January, I’ll be linking the FB event to my pubslush page where they can give their $/word donation, as well as pre-order the book, or obtain other sweet rewards.
Here are some cool links to get to know me better and follow after my NaNoWriMo 2013 / Mangono efforts:
Cheers, and best wishes to you all!
Wow, thank you so much, Miranda, for your amazing advice! We hope you’ll consider submitting to our crowdfunding contest when you’re done–you seem like someone who’s got lots of savvy about these kinds of things! Good luck with NaNo!