Do you have a manuscript?
Do you need professional feedback?
There are so many fabulous book blogs out there that are great for helping published authors get the word out. However, what if you’ve got a finished manuscript and need some solid advice about it before you move forward with querying agents or self publishing?
We’re here to help!
Our amazing and talented acquisitions editor friend, Hanna, has offered to give FREE feedback (in blog form) to one author, and we’ll be posting her review on our site! The good news? It’s free feedback! The other good news? It’s totally confidential at this stage–Hanna will give each submission a number (which will be shared with you, author), so you can feel confident submitting your manuscript. The other other good news? If she pick you for a review, Wise, Ink will do a free book review AFTER the book is published that you can use in your book promotion! Basically, it’s a win-win-win.
Submission guidelines:
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically and in complete form; no partial manuscripts. Word documents or PDFs only; no native design files. No images or heavy graphics; text only. Each submission must also contain contact information (name, email, phone), as well as a book description and genre specification. To be considered, your submission must be in by the end of the day Friday, October 12, 2012. Limit ONE submission per person. Email submissions to writewithhanna (at) gmail (dot) com.
Also, please know that Hanna is looking to truly help authors–she’s not looking to body-slam an author’s confidence into submission. The goal is to build authors up! Also, it is a compliment–truly–to be chosen for this process! If you are chosen, it means Hanna believes your book should definitely, without a doubt, be published for mass-market, and her job is to point out the (very normal) cleanup that needs to be done before moving to publication. This review process is also a tool to help other authors whose manuscripts might be suffering similar ills.
For any questions about the process, please email Hanna at writewithhanna (at) gmail (dot) com!
P.S. There might be something in it for everyone who submits–not just a potential review!

Sounds good! Is there a length limit?
I suppose we should have specified, eh? Thanks for asking! No, there is no length limit; however, if you send us a 427,000-word historical fiction, you can pretty much count on not being the winner!