Wise Ink Author, Kimberlee Ann Bastian recently released her second book in The Element Odysseys series. We reached out to Kimberlee to learn more about her experience with both the writing and publishing processes as well as her advice to aspiring authors!
Wise Ink: Tell us a little about your book.
Kimberlee Bastian: The Breedling and the Trickster, Book Two of the Element Odysseys, is the continued adventure of the immortal soul catcher Buck as he seeks to save the Shepherdess, whose unclaimed soul will soon stand trial in his old world, Euxinus.
Buck must find the Shepherdess’ beloved, the infamous Trickster, Stingy Jack, and convince him to testify on behalf of her soul. Furthermore, Buck must ensure Stingy Jack is worthy to stand as her witness, which is no easy feat as Hades, sworn enemy of Stingy Jack, threatens to thwart Buck’s mission at every twist and turn in hopes of seizing the Shepherdess’ soul—and the secret she holds—for himself.
Set on a path that leads him on an odyssey across the American Midwest, Buck must rely on untested skills while being ever mindful of his dangerous surroundings as he prepares himself for his return to the dark, desolate realm of Euxinus.
WI: What is your background, and why were you inspired to write this story?
KB: I’ve been working on my series for nine years now, the origin for the Element Odysseys stems from the history of the Jack O’ Lantern based on the Irish folktale about a man named Stingy Jack. As the story goes, Stingy Jack tricked the Devil twice, each time making a deal that if he should die, the Devil could not take his soul. When Jack died, God would not let such an unsavory character into heaven and true to his word, the Devil did not claim Jack’s soul. From that day on, Jack was doomed to roam the earth, with only a piece of coal inside a hollowed turnip to light his way.
During my early research, I was fascinated by the lack of information about this ill-fated character, confused why no one had written a story about his wanderings. I wanted to know what a mortal soul would do with its eternity. Also, could Stingy Jack fall in love? Would the Devil still be trying to beat his now immortal foe? Could Stingy Jack change his ways? Could he be granted a reprieve and be allowed into heaven? I wanted to know and so, I set out to create that story.
WI: What was one thing that surprised you about the publishing process?
KB: This being my third time through the publishing process, nothing has really surprised me. I will say working with Wise Ink has been a surprising change from my first experience. Their hands on, boutique-like approach makes the publishing process collaborative as well as fun.
WI: What are been your favorite and least favorite part of publishing a book?
KB: My favorite part of the publishing process is the editing portion. Sure, it’s this most labor intensive, but it gives me the chance to review the story and see it from a different angle. Besides the initial draft, I believe it’s the most creative part of the whole process.
My least favorite part is more self-inflicted than anything. Not being a full-time writer, time is very tight when it comes to balancing everything else. Some days I can be a superhero, while other days I need to know my limits. It’s a balancing act that is an on-going lesson in patience, which can unexpectedly lengthen the publishing process.
WI: If you could share one piece of advice with an aspiring author, what would you say?
KB: Know that the journey to becoming an author will be a rollercoaster of emotions and that as much as you believe it is taking far too long to complete your journey, know that it is taking the amount of time that it should.
WI: How can we purchase your book?
KB: Purchase both books on my website: https://squareup.com/store/elementodysseys
Paperback is also available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and any other online or brick and mortar store. Ebook is available on all major e-readers.