For an indie writer, the internet is a magical place. It’s what allows you to self-publish and sell your books across the world in digital format. It allows you to put yourself out there, to become a figure, to connect with fans. The internet has made it easier than ever to reach readers instantaneously, and to turn the act of writing into a two-way exchange.
So why shouldn’t the internet also allow you to improve your writing by engaging in a two-way exchange with other writers? Well, thanks to Book Country, it does!
Book Country is an amazing new online community of writers (and sometimes editors and publishers) that is a writing group, a business seminar, and a self-publisher all rolled into one. While it’s owned by Penguin Group, a traditional publisher and one of the “Big Five,” Book Country is truly an independent entity that helps authors looking for traditional paths to publish their work, as well as indie authors.
While Book Country is just beginning to take off, they still have some amazing features, and it would benefit any writer to join (for free!) as soon as possible.
Here’s why:
Unlike a lot of online communities, this one enforces a system of give and take
There are authors from all over the world who participate in workshopping each other’s books on Book Country. However, before anyone can even look at your work, you need to make a real effort to help others improve their own writing. By having to beta-read or edit someone else’s work, you will not only develop a stronger eye for editing your own work, but have the potential to connect with authors who can help you later on.
You create a strong base readership early on
Writers on Book Country are savvy, just like you. They have facebook pages, hundreds of Twitter followers, and blogs. If you work professionally with these authors, and they see your work, they will tell their readers to buy your book. You can even ask these authors for endorsements to go on the cover of your book, which will also help it sell.
It’s full of publishing industry experts
Book Country forums dealing with the book business (in every aspect, and from every angle) are immensely helpful for even the most experienced authopreneuer. This is because it’s filled with all sorts of tips, tricks, and stories from writers who have been in your place. And if something is changing in the industry, you can bet that it will be on the forums first.
You can publish through Book Country
If you want to launch your book in a digital form, Book Country has services that will turn your manuscript into an eBook that is compatible with every type of eReader, which means it will be available in all major online stores. If you’re comfortable doing it yourself, their free e-publishing services are an easy way to go. But if you need help, their paid options will give you a little more support.
A lot of people in the industry are really excited about this community, because it reflects the direction publishing is moving in. Book Country enables writers to have a lot of independence and agency in their writing careers, but at the same time to receive a lot of support.
Authors, what do you think about this new site? How will you be using it?

Hi all,
I am excited by the possibilities that this presents. It is a very good idea and particularly the each-one-teach-one concept. I am especially interested as well because I am in the process of writing my own eBook and would love to have it published through this service. Could some send me some information on the process of doing this?
Vinton Samms
An Exciting Project for Authors..
Penguin’s Book Country is an exciting and dynamic place, a “home-away-from-home” for every writer looking to improve their craft. Whether you wish to begin workshopping your current project to other writers, edit another’s work or simply take part in one of the many spirited, free-wheeling discussions currently lighting up the boards Book Country will challenge, stimulate and provoke you. As one who has published four books with them so far I can truly say: You will improve! You’ll hone your skills under that most difficult and demanding of all audiences, other writers. Everyone involved–the writer, their readers, other marketing and publishing professionals–is the better for it.
Typo correction: That last sentence should read, of course: “Everyone involved . . . are the better for it.” For lack of an edit button . . . CER
Book country is a great site for working writers! It’s a “safe place” to workshop just-finished writing, critique another’s project or publish your own books. The writers, agents, marketers and other industry professionals active on the site are invariably warm, supportive and helpful. And if you don’t feel like workshopping on any given day (your own writing or other’s), there are literally hundreds of spirited, free-wheeling discussions taking place on all manner of subjects related to writing. If you’ll pardon the alliteration, Book Country is a caring, comprehensive community of writers committed to the craft.
I would be dubious of anything Penguin puts out related to publishing because of it’s connection with Author Solutions. Plus – if this is put out by a publishing company, I would wonder if it’s really for indie authors. Just sayin’.
I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and say that Penguin is reading the writing on the wall, seeing the indie author movement take off to unexpected heights with the digital self-publishing industry coming of age, and is finally wising up enough to want a piece of it. Unlike some others, I don’t think the ‘paper’ industry is going to go the way of the Dodo bird, but I am convinced that the publishing industry will be split down the middle, with a big part of it going to the digital realm. Penguin (nor any of the other traditional publishing houses) can possibly be so blind as to miss this tectonic shift. I haven’t done any work with Penguin, so I don’t have any input on their business practices, but it says a lot that a company such as theirs is ready to jump in and replicate much of what has already been proven to be successful.’s quid pro quo system, for example, is exactly what Penguin is offering in the way of community reviews, editing, and advice, all based upon points or credit for already having helped someone else by reviewing their work-give a little, get a little. I fully expect all of the other major publishers to be joining Penguin in the very near future.
The fundamental issue with Book Country is that the site is a funnel designed to steer writers toward their “self publishing packages”. Those packages are overpriced, underperforming, and in essence designed to rip off novice writers who don’t know any better.
I would avoid Book Country. If you do opt to check the place out, avoid their “packages”. Self publishing, should you choose to go that route, is great. Book Country isn’t helping you self publish, though – they are charging you (oversize) fees for publishing your work for you, and then keeping a chunk of the income that you would have received had you actually self published.
I tried it several times under different names and from different computers and 5 different browsers and the “free” publishing services just keep refusing to work “try again later” for weeks until the user finally gives up and pays for the paid services. A few friends also had the same experience, which strongly suggests that Book Country is not as generous and beneficent as it pretends. It’s about money, and that doesn’t bother me; whatbothers me is the dishonesty and false advertising. Book Country claims, in writing, in may paces on site and elsewhere, that an author can submit and publish their book for free. This service is apparently NOT being delivered. MY QUESTION: Is there anyone who has successfully all components (including images) of their book and published it here?
Wow! We hadn’t heard about that! Thanks for letting us know. Anyone else have trouble?