It’s not a trend.
It’s not a fad.
It’s not deniable.
It’s the age of the indie author.
Above: Dara M. Beevas. Photo by Bridget Marchesi
I (Amy) live in a career (yes, that verb choice was intentional—I brainstorm about my authors in my sleep!) where I am constantly surrounded and inspired by creative, innovative, driven people who write books for hundreds of reasons and for innumerable audiences. One of the most inspiring authors I’ve come across? One particular author motivated to write for the audience described above—the audience of creative, innovative, driven people who just need to know how to navigate the crooked, difficult, and infinitely rewarding path of independent authorship.
Last night, I attended the book launch for my beloved friend, colleague, co-blog mistress, and favorite new indie author, Dara M. Beevas and her new book, The Indie Author Revolution [print link]. There were editors, designers, book publicists, friends, authors, and fans, all coming to join the movement! The movement that says we CAN publish well all by ourselves—if we embrace the right tools, take the time to develop our craft, find the right team members, educate ourselves, and are willing to step out of our comfort zones for the sake of our books’ success. That’s why Dara wrote IAR—to give authors the tools, know-how, and guts to OWN this movement.
The Indie Author Revolution [e-book link] feels like a warm, friendly chat that just happens to be chock full of wisdom, teaching authors how to streamline their process, cover their bases, keep their focus, and ultimately make all the right choices to reach their perfect audience.
There isn’t a single person in this world who believes in you, authors, as much as Dara M. Beevas. She lives, breathes, and eats (usually at an all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouse) indie publishing. She knows that words don’t belong to traditional presses; they are fluid and endlessly giving. They belong to everyone and no one, all at the same time. If you’re an author who has harnessed the power of words in a book form, it’s your right to release them to the world. You don’t need “approval” from a traditional press to do so, and you don’t need their marketing teams anymore to make it possible for your book to find its audience. Dara’s Indie Author Revolution speaks to you and for you. Join the revolution!
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You go, Dara! Cheers to indie authors— you are the movers & shakers.
Thanks Hanna!
Hi Dara,
I’m very much looking forward to reading your book. Your writing style is engaging and accessible. I’ve also been enjoying reading your blog. I’m about to launch my debut novel so your book launch post was very timely. I’ll be following your progress with it and am behind you as a fellow indie author.
Hi Dara,
Thanks for the tips and insight.