So you’re in a rut. You’re all written out, writer’s block has become a full time profession, and you’ve resorted to mindlessly bumbling around the web just for something to do (and, possibly, to look like you’re doing something). That’s okay—kind of. We fully endorse bumbling around the web so long as you’re doing so with a purpose. The web has an unbelievable amount of content that can act as a catalyst for your writing; you just need to know where to look. A good way to start? Instead of checking out pumpkin spice everything on Pinterest, take a look at these accounts:
K.M. Weiland: We’re mostly focusing on the writing resources board here, but there are boards dedicated to fascinating research—perfect to add that element of authenticity to a piece, and entertaining writing boards, as well.
She’s Novel: Kristen’s boards contain everything from author tips to character inspirations to storyboards, not to mention a ton of book recommendations for every genre. Our favorite board? Her tips for publishing.
Writer’s Relief: Perfect for when you need to immerse yourself in all things literary. The different boards offer literary humor, inspirational quotes, book art and tattoos, and even a board with tips about your online author platform.
Kansas City Public Library: KCPL (you might know it as the library with the parking garage designed to look like a giant row of books) has awesome book recommendation boards, as well a board for writing prompts. Plus, it has this adorable writing crafts board perfect for those brainstorming hours when you just want something to do with your hands while you think.
Your Writer Platform: Really nails the idea of authorpreneurship, with tips on social media, platform building, guest blog posting, e-mail lists, marketing, publishing, etc. We’re especially fans of the promotion and publicity board.
Writing Prompts: We love this board because of its simplicity: it offers
pins in the form of pictures, which act as your prompts. If you aren’t into the picture, that’s cool too—you can find a way to weave together the three words offered in the photo’s description, instead.
Freelancer’s Union: Even if you aren’t in the vein of freelancing, there are some great tips on these boards for writing in general. Our favorite board? Healthy freelance living—it offers advice on how to de-stress, organize, file your taxes, and even find benefits.
J.F. Penn: If you’re into the gorgeous, gothic, and slightly macabre, this is the pinner for you. These boards are stocked with enchanting images just waiting to come alive on a page as well as countless book and writing quotes to keep you inspired and laughing.
The Writing Whisperer: Another authorpreneur expert! The branding, marketing, and entrepreneur boards are all worth a look through; but what really caught our eye were the individual boards dedicated to all seven continents. If you’re planning a book based in a different country, this is gold.
Book Riot: Because, when it’s all said and done, we need to sit back and remember why being an author and a bookworm is just so much fun. DIY book crafts, book party ideas, book date ideas, book jewelry, books and bars, and, of course, cats.
Readers, what are your favorite Pinterest accounts of boards? We’d love to hear from you!

Oh, wow! Thank you so much for including She’s Novel in this list, Dara and Amy. I absolute love the other accounts you listed, so I’m honored to be added to the mix!
I love pinterest! It’s a great way to “file” inspirational tidbits, and I love when I run across pins that perfectly fit one of my characters or books. It’s also a fun way for readers to get a snapshot of me personally!