Each week get to know one of our amazing staff members as they talk about their writing heroes, advice to writers, and what book is currently sitting on their nightstand.
This week, meet Graham Warnken!
Wise Ink: Describe your role at Wise Ink in two sentences or less.
Graham Warnken: I’m the Production Coordinator, which basically means I deal with the nitty-gritty of the editing, design, and distribution process. Copyediting, proofreading, layout, metadata—if it’s part of getting the book primed and printed, I’m involved.
WI: What is your day at Wise Ink normally look like?
GW: On any given day I’ll probably be working on proofreading a manuscript (it may be the first pass or one of several) as my main task, as well as handling a number of smaller tasks that could include obtaining ISBNs and Library of Congress numbers, requesting print quotes, sending printers distribution info, etc. These tasks, of course, will regularly by interrupted by Games of Thrones conversations with Laura and Danielle.
WI: What types of books are your favorites to publish, and why?
GW: Fiction is definitely my favorite genre to work on, particularly science fiction/fantasy. It’s what I read the most, and I find it easier to edit a novel than I do a longer piece of nonfiction writing.
WI: Who are some of your writing heroes?
GW: For fiction, Ray Bradbury, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Catherynne M. Valente, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, and Philip K. Dick. For nonfiction, Annie Dillard, David Foster Wallace, James Baldwin, and Philip Sandifer.
WI: If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would you say?
GW: Delete your Twitter account. Learn from my sorry example.
WI: What are you currently reading?
GW: I just finished Paterson by William Carlos Williams; currently in the middle of The Sound of Mountain Water by Wallace Stegner.