As writers, we know more about our characters than we can ever manage to tell our readers.
Characterization is revealing the personalities of the people in your fictional world by giving evidence: facial expressions, clothing style, attitude, actions, and social interactions. These details allow your reader to make instantaneous judgments as to what kind of people your characters are.
The more you know of about your characters—the more comfortable you are with their daily habits, preferences, insecurities, mannerisms, beliefs, loves, hates, desires, histories, etc.—the easier it will be to portray them on a page. Your characters’ behaviors determine the future of your story. To know where your story is heading, you must know how your characters are going to act in certain situations, and therefore, you must know who your characters really are.
Wisely selected details can reveal character in intriguing ways. No, the reader doesn’t necessarily need to know what brand of underwear Sally prefers, what kind of vehicle Kenny drove in high school, or what secrets Ben kept from his ex-girlfriend—but YOU do. While these details may not be important to your plot line, they are indicative of certain character traits, and gives them more depth. The more you know about your character, the more authentic your character will seem on the page.
Is it possible to write a successful, meaningful story without knowing the type of alcohol Kelly keeps in her apartment? Absolutely. But somewhere in the following list may be a key piece of information that will help shape your story. Here is a list of question to ponder when fleshing out your characters:
1. How many shoes do they own? What types?
2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them?
3. How many romantic relationships have they had?
4. Are they right- or left-handed?
5. What charities do they donate to?
6. What are their biggest fears?
7. How much money do they make?
8. What is their ethnicity?
9. Do they speak with an accent?
10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year?
11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords?
12. What are they superstitious about?
13. Are they allergic to anything?
14. What hobbies do they have?
15. Do they keep secrets?
16. What are their astrological signs?
17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music?
18. Do they have scars?
19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics?
20. Any tattoos or piercings?
21. What does their handwriting look like?
22. What is their religious background?
23. Where do they like to shop?
24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)?
25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them?
26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”?
27. What are their political preferences?
28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses?
29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing?
30. What do they keep in remote storage?
31. Are they night owls or morning people?