Happy 2013!
It’s been an exciting, eventful, and insightful year for Wise, Ink. We are approaching our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY next month (our first post was February 1, 2012) and since then we’ve learned a TON. We learned that indie authors are even more amazing than we originally thought, with all the great comments and feedback we’ve gotten from you! We’ve learned the true value of social media as we’ve used it to spread the word about our own blog, and are so grateful for the wonderful followers we have. Dara released her first book, The Indie Author Revolution, and is having a blast stepping into the author’s shoes to market the book. Amy has been busily writing her master’s thesis on feminism and the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon, and is learning on an even deeper level how intricately our ideology is connected to our technological advancements (in this case, e-books!). All in all, 2012 was quite a ride.
I (Amy) tend to feel a little melancholy on the first day of the new year. There’s something about taking down the decorations and prepping for the next work day after a week-long celebration (and knowing it will be another year before the next one) that makes me a little teary. Yesterday, I also happened to be editing a manuscript that talked about the natural cycles of the year and how symbolic they are of life. The nature of the world tells us that nothing is sustainable–with joy comes sorrow, with day comes night, and with planting comes harvest. Not only that, but each of these things needs the other in order to ever be realized. Without darkness, there would be no light. In the hazy overcast light that was New Year’s Day in the Twin Cities, my melancholy mood needed that message. There’s something so intimidating about new beginnings, but without the necessary temporary phases of discomfort and trepidation associated with change, there never would BE change! So my melancholy spirits shifted to ones of determination and excitement. I was no longer mourning the end of the wonderous year that was 2012–I eagerly anticipated the unknown that would be 2013!
For Wise, Ink, the excitement is for continuing to grow our following and to make our messages more powerful, purposeful, and effective. We’re excited about learning new ways to help authors reach their audiences in the best possible ways. We’re excited about becoming increasingly far-reaching with our message. We’re releasing our trepidation and grabbing 2013 by the horns, and we can’t wait to work with authors in new and different ways this year.
Authors, today we encourage YOU to think about the ways in which you can get truly excited about being an author in 2013. What does it mean to you? How will you make it a rewarding new year?
We can’t wait to follow you on the journey! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Amy!
Thanks, Will! I hope it’s a great one for you, too!
I was so glad to find Wise, Ink in 2012. I had no idea the site wasn’t even a year old! It’s been great getting to know you over the past months, and I hope we can continue to work together in the future.
Thanks so much, Lila! Your support and friendship means a great deal! We’re loving the blog life. Looking forward to continuing to connect in 2013!
I understand your feeling on Jan. 1. This year was the first year that my son really understood Christmas–and not the presents because he doesn’t really care for those. He was a little sad as the Christmas lights disappeared and as we took down the Christmas tree. My son has really been into Baby Jesus, so we still have the Nativity up, which he greatly enjoys. I am hoping to make this year a special one for him–one to remember for all of the good and fun things we have done. And I hope to capture these moments in the many photos I take and in the diary I keep about him. As an editor, I don’t get to write much, but I have found writing this diary for my son an enjoyable and rewarding activity.
Happy New Year!