Happy Holidays, writers! They’re almost here! Did you get everything done?
Me either. My to-do list is almost as long as it was on Monday of this week, yet I’ve been rushing and running and scrambling for the last five days! It makes me wonder what I was actually working on all week.
So what about writing? Does writing have a role in the busy day-to-day holiday preparation? Below are a few ideas on how to keep up with it!
1) Make a list of your priorities.
Your probably have a to-do list (and a long one at that). Is it organized? Where does writing fit? Time to put an order to all the things you have to do this week. If writing is way down at the bottom, then…
2) Take the pressure off. It’s the holidays!
You should only be doing heavy writing during the holidays if you a) have the time and b) need to write to relax. It should be a respite from the holiday craziness! If it’s not, don’t be afraid to take it off the to-do list for now.
3) Set a mandatory quiet time for the whole family.
After your prime rib dinner, it might be a good idea to set up a mandatory “quiet time” for the whole family. Aunt Lisa can take a nap, your kids can go read a book or listen to music on their new iPad minis, and your spouse can clean up. You can sit at your computer and write a poem, a blog, a paragraph in your novel or memoir, or anything else yo feel like writing. And we know the pressure is off, because you did that in step two! So it doesn’t matter how much you write, it just matters that you made a little time to do it.
Have a very happy holiday, writers! Hugs from Wise, Ink!
We’ll be back on the 26th!